Friday, June 3, 2016

Acts Of Hooliganism Leaves Ghana’s DOL With No Title Sponsor

Title sponsor of Ghana’s Division One League (DOL), GN Bank, has suspended its sponsorship after the head coach of second-tier side, Elmina Sharks FC, Kobina Amissah was attacked by some irate funs.

In a letter written by the Corporate Affairs Manager of Groupe Nduom and copied to  the Chairman DOL, Mr Owuahene Acheampong, the company explained that the increasing acts of hooliganism at some Division One League Centres and the inability of DOL to curb such acts informed them to take this action

Below is a copy of GNs’ letter to the Chairman of DOL

June 1st 2016

The Chairman

Division One League Board (DOL)


Dear Mr Owuahene Acheampong,


I wish to officially notify you of our decision to suspend the sponsorship of the Division One League (DOL) by GN Bank.  Our action is necessitated by the increasing acts of hooliganism at some Division One League Centres.

The inability of the DOL to curb such act of vandalism is not only endangering the lives of football administrators, technical personnel and supporters of affected clubs; but also tainting the GN Bank brand.

Last Saturday’s brutality at the Sekondi Gyandu Park after the Elmina Sharks-Proud United match is one of the many incidents recorded at many division one league centres since GN Bank begun sponsorship of the Division One League a year and half ago.

We remember notifying you about our displeasure at these barbaric acts, which one, occurred at our own Nduom Sports Stadium in Elmina when Ebusua Dwarfs supporters pelted stones on officials and supporters of Elmina Sharks. 

Those who harassed officials and technical team members in Bibiani and other venues believe that they will get away with whatever they have done.

The inaction of the DOL has emboldened some people to resort to criminal acts.  One such despicable act nearly resulted in the death of the coach of Elmina Sharks, Kobina Amissah last Saturday, May 28th 2016 at the Gyandu Park in Sekondi.

Today the perpetrators of such heinous act, we understand are walking around bragging that nothing would be done to them. Hoodlums who have gained notoriety in vandalism have taken the entire football administration for a ride. After all they believe they are untouchable and so will always dare the docile football establishment.

We therefore wish to state in unequivocal term that until these football zealots are apprehended, prosecuted and strenuous measures put in place to forestall any such acts in future; GN Bank will have no choice but to pull out of the sponsorship of the Division One League.

We believe that if in addition to other punishment any team whose supporters cause damage or injury to opposing team members and/or officials are made to lose valuable points, better discipline will be achieved.

Thank you.

Richmond Duke Keelson,

Corporate Affairs Manager,

Groupe Nduom

Cc: The President

Ghana Football Association

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