Monday, December 26, 2016

Prison official wants feeding grant for inmates increased from GHC1.80

Some prison inmates preparing their own meals
A Prison officer is pleading for a review of the feeding grant for prison inmates, describing the daily GHC1.80 per head as woefully inadequate.

The Second-In-Command at the female section of the Kumasi Central Prisons, CSP Yayra Ashong-Mettle, wants the government to adjust the feeding grant upwards to help improve the well-being of inmates.

“Even though we appreciate the effort of the government, we still ask for more in order to cater for the basic needs of inmates. The current feeding grant of GHc 1.80 per inmate is woefully inadequate and we are pleading with the government to review the rate”

She has meanwhile expressed gratitude to individuals and institutions for supporting the upkeep of inmates, especially during this yuletide.

Inmates of the Kumasi Central Prison had reason to celebrate Christmas after receiving items worth GHC20,000 from First Allied Savings and Loan Limited.

The items included bags of rice and sugar, gallons of cooking oil, assorted farm produce, hundreds of bags of water, assorted drinks, toiletries and personal care items.

The presentation, according to the company, was to make them not feel a part of society during this festive period.

Head of Administration and HR at First Allied, Augustine Amakye-Ansah, said the gesture forms part of the company’s corporate social responsibilities.

“As an institution, we have a responsibility of extending a helping hand to needy persons in the society and in fulfilment of our responsibility; we decided to not leave out inmates of the Kumasi central prisons from enjoying the Christmas,” he said.

He added that:“this year marks out 20th year of existence as a financial institution and this presentation forms part of activities lined up for our celebration”.

Mr Amakye-Ansah hinted the institution will be back to assist the prisons in addressing some of its challenges.

CSP Ashong-Mettle said the donation was timely, as it would enable the inmates to enjoy the Christmas season.

Staff of First Allied Savings and Loans Limited later had one-on-one interactions with the prison inmates and worshipped with them.

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