Tuesday, June 13, 2017

5 suspects arrested for lynching alleged ‘witch’ to be arraigned

 Five suspects arrested in connection with the murder of a 67 year old woman will be dragged before the Bolgatanga Magistrate court today for conspiracy to crime and murder.

The deceased, Yenboka Kenna, who left behind three children was lynched on the 28th of May 2017 at the Pelungu market in the Nabdam district of the Upper East Region.

Sixty three (63) suspects were subsequently rounded up in a joint Police-Military operation last Saturday to assist the Police with their investigations.

Speaking to Citi News, the Bolgatanga Municipal Police Commander, Superintendent Samuel Punobyin said, after a thorough screening of the 63 suspects, 5 of them will be arraigned today, while the remaining fifty eight (58) have been granted Police enquiry bail because they were not connected to the issue.

“The screening of the 63 suspects who were arrested on Saturday is over and five suspects are being held for offence of conspiracy to commit crime and murder. They will be put before the Bolgatanga Magistrate court today …We will also present our facts based on the evidence gathered, to the court to decide on their fate. ”

The five suspects expected to appear in court are; Gbambil Sore, Kofi Sore and Mba Sore. The rest are Timbil Sore and Samuel Sore.

Family of Deceased demands Compensation

Meanwhile the family of the deceased are appealing to the state for compensation to cater for the three children of the deceased.

Spokesperson for the family, Mr. Emmanuel Seluk argued that, it will be difficult catering for the children without government’s support.

“…We think that the government can still go ahead and take care of the children of the deceased because the woman left behind three children and they have to be catered for. We are saying that supporting the three children would be very nice and good.” he said.

By: Frederick Awuni/citifmonline

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