Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Funeral Arrangements for Major Mahama

Major Maxwell Adam Mahama
 The State Protocol Office has outlined details of the late Major Maxwell Adam Mahama’s funeral service.
A statement from the office indicated that, the deceased will be given a state burial with “full military honours at the Osu Military Cemetery, after a burial service at the Forecourt of the State House.”

The late soldier is to be buried on Friday, June 9th, 2017.

The other burial and funeral rites as listed in the statement are as follows:

   * Vigil Service at Arakan Officers Mess on Thursday 8th June 2017 at 1900 hrs
   *Body of deceased will be moved from 37 Military Hospital to Forecourt of State House on Friday 9th June 2017 at 0600 hrs for filing past. Burial Service commences at 0910 hrs.
   * Procession to Osu Military Cemetery for internment after the burial service. Order of procession to the cemetery to be announced during the burial service.
    *Final funeral rites to be held at the Forecourt of the State House immediately after burial
    *Thanksgiving service will be held at Light House Chapel Internatinal, Qodesh, North Kaneshie-Accra on Sunday 11th June at 1030 hrs.
   *Final funeral rites will be held at Bole fro, 13th – 15th June 2017 and Tumu from 16th – 18th June 2017 respectively.

Adam Mahama was lynched and partly burnt by some youth of Denkyria-Obuasi in the Central Region, who claimed they thought he was an armed robber.

About 40 persons have so far been arrested in connection with the murder, out of which some have been remanded in police custody.

Monument to be erected in honour of Major Mahama

Meanwhile, President Akufo-Addo has announced plans to erect a monument in honour of Major Mahama.

The President made this announcement when he visited the family of the deceased.

He also announced  the setting up of a Ghc500,000 Trust Fund to cater for the education of the late military officer’s children.

By: Marian Ansah/citifmonline

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