Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mahama Has Performed “Above Average”…"He Has Done Well!"

Royalhouse Chapel International founder, Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah has commended President John Dramni Mahama’s style as leadership in an interview with Starr FM.

Rating the president’s performance – he said he [President Mahama] has performed “above average” – adding that he has managed to lead Ghana quite well in spite of the economic difficulties bedevilling the country.

He however cautioned that his commendation must not be politically interpreted - and also slammed individuals who attack pastors for speaking to national issues.

“He has done well, let’s say that John Mahama is not a bad leader in the same way that Kufuor was not a bad leader and Rawlings also not a bad leader because it is not easy running a country,”

“Given the difficult nature of running a third world country with challenges, oil is not doing well globally, gold has fallen…I would not say that he has been a bad leader,” he said.

Source: King Edward Ambrose Washman Addo/ Twitter: @Washman5/ Instagram: Washman007

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