Sunday, March 6, 2016

Obinim - I Didn’t Know Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah ‘Was Such A Fool’

Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah
The International Godsway Ministries, head Bishop Daniel Obinim has responded to Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah recent comments about him. Watch the video in which Obinim challenged Korankye Ankrah to contest his powers, adding he didn’t know Korankye Ankrah was such a fool.

The Apostle General of the Royal House Chapel International, Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah has waded into the argument as to whether the self-acclaimed ‘Bishop’ is really a servant of God.

Rev. Sam Korankye who believes that Obinim is tarnishing the image of Christians described church members of his church as a ‘bunch of ignorant people’.

According to him, right discerning members of the public will not worship under the feet of the embattled Bishop whose conduct in the past few years have been very questionable.

“Right discerning people will not sit under this man. Those who go to sit there and other such places is amazing. We have come to a place where people don’t care about the salvation of their souls anymore, they don’t care about what the Bible says about Heaven and Hell and the coming of Christ.

“All they care about is I need a visa, I need miracle, I need to marry, so whoever can conjure the miracles for them they go there. Now it’s about materialism, that is where we are drifting to and it’s very sad,” He said in an interview with Accra based Starr FM.

The renowned preacher also emphasized the need for people to care much more about the salvation of their souls rather than seeking for miracles and prosperity as they will continue to be used by unscrupulous people who are supposed men of God.

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