Sunday, August 28, 2016

I'm Disappointed It Is Only One Week - Pratt on Ampaw's Hunger Strike

Maurice Ampaw
A private legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw began a 10-day hunger strike in protest of the release of the Montie 3.

Maurice Ampaw said as part of the protest, he will also go on a nationwide anti-Mahama campaign to thwart his (President Mahama's) second term bid in the upcoming elections.

Reacting to this, the Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper Kwesi Pratt Jnr said he is disappointed it is only one week.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Radio Gold's Alhaji and Alhaji, Pratt sarcastically asked: "why one week?"

"…if you want to go on hunger strike; one week?…more and more people who want to go on hunger strike should go…I am only disappointed it is only one week. I have been on hunger strike before for three weeks and being on hunger strike is not an easy matter…after the first six hours you go see something".

According to him, after he had been on hunger strike for three weeks, the day he was convinced to eat…’I thanked him (a reverend Father)’.

"If people want to go on hunger strike nothing should stop them; it is their democratic right but they should do it well" he added.

The infamous Montie 3- Alistair Nelson, Godwin Ako Gunn and Salifu Maase, were released from prison Friday, August 26, 2016 following a Presidential pardon.

They were in July incarcerated for criminal contempt of court after they threatened the lives of Supreme Court Justices on a live Montie FM radio programme.

Source: Rebecca Addo Tetteh/

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