Wednesday, August 24, 2016

STATEMENT: We're Shocked & Disappointed At Mahama's Decision - PNC

President Mahama
The People’s National Convention expresses its shock and disappointment at the decision of the President to reduce the sentence of the Montie three.

Although the party does not dispute the fact that, the President is clothed with powers under the constitution to exercise prerogative of mercy on convicted persons, we hold the view that such power must always be exercised in a manner that advances national cohesion and progress.

To this end, we find the decision by the President to grant remission to these the Montie trio reprehensible, as it clearly undermines our collective efforts at deepening democracy and promoting national cohesion.

By this singular decision, the President has sought to establish a precedent that suggests that, individuals with sympathy to the NDC convicted of crimes against the state, are more deserving of his mercy than other ordinary Ghanaians.

In point of fact, there are thousands of Ghanaians on remand without the benefit of trial and thousands more in our prisons genuinely in need of the President’s mercy, yet because they do not have an army of NDC petitioners impelling him to release them, they are still in jail.

It is our view also that, the President’s decision further provides insurance for all his sympathisers and NDC supporters in general, who wish to foment trouble in this year’s election  to do so with impunity knowing pretty well the President will be there to guarantee their freedom. This certainly is not a good omen with barely 100 days to the polls.

With these unfolding events and the anxiety that comes with them, we wish to appeal to all Ghanaians to stay calm and to keep up the hope of fighting for a brighter Ghana. The PNC and Dr. Edward Nasigre Mahama wish to assure all Ghanaians that, a PNC government shall work to restore faith in our institutions and enhance regard for our democracy.

God Bless Ghana and Long Live Our Democracy!


Atik Mohammed

(General Secretary)


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