Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ezanetor Urges Osu Residents - Be Responsible For Korle-Lagoon

Ezanetor Rawlings

Dr. Zanetor Rawlings an NDC parliamentary aspirant in the Klottey Korle Constituency, and daughter of Former President Jerry John Rawlings has charged residents living along the Klottey Korle Lagoon in Osu to treat the lagoon with care.

According to her, if properly maintained, the estuary could serve as a marine waterfront and attract tourists to the community.

Dr. Zanetor made the call during a ceremony to complete the dredging of the lagoon which she spearheaded.

Commending Dr. Zanetor for her gesture, Chief of Osu Alata, Nii Tetteh Djamlodja VI said the project will provide employment opportunities for the youth in the community.

He stated, “This project will help us generate income because it will boost tourism in this community as people will be expected to come around for site seeing and relaxation,” he said.

“Aside this we are going to lead a campaign that will keep the lagoon clean and this will enable us to engage in fish farming. I believe this will ultimately provide employment opportunities for the youth in this community” Nii Tetteh Djamlodja VI added.


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