Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kofi Boakye Tells Police Personnel - Don't Allow Anybody To Intimidate You

DCOP Kofi Boakye

DCOP Kofi Boakye,( Ashanti Regional Police Commander ) has asked personnel not to be intimidated by politicians and other members of the public in the line of duty. “No policeman should be intimidated by any civilian or any person in the society for doing his or her work.

I encourage my policemen to work hard without fear or favour,” he charged at the inauguration of a new police station at Asawase in Kumasi. He says police should defend themselves if they are attacked by any section of the society. “Police should respect the citizenry but if anyone attacks you, defend yourself to the letter,” said the Commander. DCOP Boakye however cautions personnel against any acts that will compromise security and democracy. He bemoaned, “the situation where when somebody in a position says democracy is the Rule of Law and maintenance of law and order.

But the same person when he is on the other side says democracy is an unbridled freedom and, sometimes, irresponsible freedom… I must say that security and democracy cannot be compromised”. DCOP Kofi Boakye emphasized the police service is a constitutional organization and that, “parties will go, parties will come but police will remain.

Therefore, one policeman will go, another will come but it is the same policeman.” “Anybody who will fall foul of the law shall be arrested,” he warned. The Regional Commander assured residents so far as police presence continues to increase; the level of peace in the region will be maintained.


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