Thursday, February 25, 2016

Jinapor - Don’t jubilate yet; dumsor not over

John Jinapor
Deputy Power Minister, John Jinapor has stated unequivocally that the four-year-old power crisis known in local parlance as dumsor is not over.

According to him, there is enough generation to supply the whole of Ghana but “until we are able to get our own gas, dumsor cannot be over”.

Mr. Jinapor’s comment comes after President John Mahama at the 2016 State of the Nations Address to Parliament Thursday said he has solved dumsor.

“I stood before this very august house and promised to fix the power sector deficit that at the time had become a significant constraint on the economic growth and a destruction to Ghanaians both home and at work” he president said.

President Mahama added that although getting through the task was not easy; the hard work has paid off, and this has “made us achieve the fastest mobilization of emergency power in the history of Ghana.”

But on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Thursday, John Jinapor said given his experience in the past, “it is too early to jubilate”.

Stressing that government has made giant strides in the energy sector, he noted that more needed to be done to stabilize the situation.

“Right now energy demand outstrips supply, so we are doing everything possible to meet demand” he added.

Their major headache, the deputy Power Minister said, is constant faults in transformers and other machines that carry power.

However, he stated that with the introduction of Karpower, commissioning of Tico steam unit and others, dumsor could be under control.

John Jinapor thanked Ghanaians for their patience and assured they are working around the clock to nib dumsor in the bud.

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