Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mugabe - Mahama is a 'disgrace' to Africa

Robert Mugabe
A report by indicated that Mr. Mugabe described President's Mahama's latest move as shameful.

Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe has hit hard at President Mahama following his decision to sympathize with the French over recent attacks which killed hundreds of people.

A report by indicated that Mr. Mugabe described President's Mahama's latest move as a 'disgrace' to Africa.

"Mahama did little or nothing as an Ecowas Chairman in helping curb the rebellious situation in Nigeria and the rest of the African countries suffering in the hands of rebels on this continent. And the next thing I hear is Mahama is up condemning French attacks while he has not started or finished the attacks on his own personality for the mess he has done to his country and people," Mugabe said.

"I want that man to first address his own problems before extending hands. Or is it one of his usual means of deceiving the ignorant whites for loans which he never uses to build anything for his people but spend on himself and sympathisers. In fact, that man is a disgrace to his people and Africa," Mr. Mugabe fumed.

President Mahama in an earlier statement copied to the French Embassy in Accra, President Mahama described as horrific the attack on innocent civilians in Paris, which has now claimed over 120 lives.

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