Monday, November 30, 2015

RE: Rawlings Mediates Child Custody Fight

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has debunked claims that he is mediating talks between his daughter Zanetor Rawlings and former Asante Kotoko CEO Herbert Mensah.

Herbert Mensah allegedly filed a court suit against Dr Agyeman-Rawlings to gain access to his two children.

However, a letter signed by the aide to the former President expressed concern over the claims of mediation; describing it as 'totally false'.


Read full statement below

The Editor



I write in my capacity as an aide to His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings to express my concern over your publication of Saturday, November 28, 2015 titled “JJ Mediates child custody fight”.

I wish to state that the contents of your publication are totally false and a figment of your media house’s imagination.

The allegation you make concerns a matter currently in court so you are hereby advised to be very circumspect in drawing the person of His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings into the matter without recourse to him or his office.

Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings is very capable of handling issues concerning her private life and your media house is cautioned to desist from putting across assumptions, innuendoes and outright lies, as the truth with particular reference to His Excellency Jerry Rawlings.


Kobina Andoh Amoakwa

(Communications Directorate)


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