Thursday, November 5, 2015

Vladimir Putin is More Powerful Than U.S President Obama

Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel ,Barack Obama
 The Russian President was followed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who moved up three spots from last year to replace U.S. President Barack Obama at number two.

 International sanctions set in place after he seized Crimea and waged war-by-proxy in Ukraine have kneecapped the Ruble and driven Russia into deepening recession, but haven’t hurt Putin one bit: In June his approval ratings reached an all-time high of 89%. In October, he bombed ISIS forces in Syria and then met face-to-face with President Assad, making the U.S and NATO look weak in the region, and helping rebuild Russian influence abroad.

The second most powerful person in the world also happens to be the most powerful woman: Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, jumps up from #5 last year to take the runner-up spot on the list. Merkel is the backbone of the 28-member European Union, and her decisive actions dealing with the Syrian refugee problem and the Greek credit crisis helped bump her up the list.

  1. Vladimir Putin Russia

#2 Angela Merkel Germany

#3 Barack Obama United States

#4 Pope Francis Roman Catholic Church

#5 Xi Jinping China

#6 Bill Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

#7 Janet Yellen Washington, United States

#8 David Cameron United Kingdom

#9 Narendra Modi India

#10 Larry Page


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