Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mahama denies taking $300m for accepting ex-Gitmo detainees

President John Mahama
President John Mahama has denied allegations levelled against him for taking $300 million before accepting the ex-Guantanamo detainees in Ghana.

According to Mahama, "There is no monetary consideration. The US would have disclosed it. What they are saying on social media, is absolutely untrue that I collected 300 million."

Some Ghanaians have allayed fears over the presence of the two Guantanamo Bay prisoners whith some saying they pose a threat to the country's security.

But President Mahama addressing the media on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 said excessive consultation was done both internally and externally before the transfer was approved.

Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalid Muhammad Salih Al-Dhuby were relocated to Ghana recently after a deal between the two governments.

"Ghana did a risk assessment after the US made the request for Ghana to take them. These were low-risk people who were picked when they were 20 years old. There was no evidence that they could be charged. Ghana is not the only country that is an ally of the US.

"In 2003, US approached us as an ally to signed a non-surrender treaty not to send US suspects to International Criminal Court for prosecution."

He said he will not jeopardize the country’s security. "What you should fear is what you don’t know" adding that Ghanaians should fear road accidents than the detainees.

The countries that have the largest database of persons perceived to be terrorist. Ghana is benefiting from the partnership with the US because we can get advanced information on terror suspects being tracked by international intelligence.

"As Commander-in-Chief of this country I will not take any decision that would jeopardize the safety of any Ghanaian...we must look at the side of compassion, I am a Christian and the Bible teaches us to be compassionate to prisoners and these people were not even convicted and so where is our Christian compassion for people," he asserted.


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