Monday, January 11, 2016

Mustapha Hamid - Hanna Tetteh is being 'ignorant' or 'mischievous'

Hanna Tetteh

This follows Ghana's decision to house two ex-Guantanamo detainees in the country.

Islamic scholar and University of Cape Coast lecturer, Mustapha Hamid has argued that the Foreign Affairs Minister, Hanna Tetteh is ignorant about radical Islam ideologies following her decision to house two ex-Guantanamo detainees in the country.

The two ex-detainees, Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalid Muhammad Salih Al-Dhuby, arrived in Ghana on Thursday January 7, 2016 for a two-year stay as part of a deal reached between the United States of America and the Government of Ghana.

Bin Atef is an admitted member of the Taliban and fought for Usama bin Laden, while Al-Dhuby trained with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Angry Ghanaians have described the presence of the two Guantanamo Bay prisoners as a threat to the country's security.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Hanna Tetteh has subsequently assured Ghanaians that Ghana has taken all the necessary security measures to ensure the safety of citizens and security of the nation.

But, speaking to Accra-based Citi FM, Islamic Scholar, Mustapha Hamid said Hanna Tetteh is "either genuinely ignorant or she is being mischievous or she is just pandering to the whims of the Americans.”

Hanna Tetteh had also explained that the US has assured that the two detainees are harmless.

But, Mustapha Hamid disagrees, and wondered how the two detainees could be weaned out of their radical ideologies.

 “Which disorientation school did they send them to? Because if you say they are no longer dangerous what it means is that they have been weaned out of this fundamentalist ideologies.…did they have a process where there had Islamic scholars and leaders were giving them better orientation on what the true Islamic ideology is? We don’t have such evidence,” he said.

He further warned that Ghana could be a target of attack from Jihadists if the country refused to return the two ex-Guantanamo detainees.

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